Beaujolais. Doesn’t the word alone have a magical sound to it? Beaujolais is a wine to be celebrated. Built in our family’s image, we have worked throughout the years to make Beaujolais an essential addition to every table. This wine is as popular as it is festive, friendly and joyful.

The Author takes you in for a deep dive into the meaning of life. Following two filmmakers on a journey to find purpose in the pursuit of happiness. They bring you into the lives of extremists and your average joe. Give you insight into what they are experiencing through the creation of this film.  exploring

Namibia, a country in southwest Africa, is distinguished by the Namib Desert along its Atlantic Ocean coast. The country is home to diverse wildlife, including a significant cheetah population. The capital, Windhoek, and coastal town Swakopmund contain German colonial-era buildings such as Windhoek’s Christuskirche, built in 1907. In the north, Etosha National Park’s salt pan

The Andrea Bocelli Foundation works in partnership with the Fondation St. Luc in educational and economical development projects, adopting the most remote and poor communities of the Haitian island. ABF’s goal is to provide long term support to the Haitian leadership and to raise worldwide attention on the great needs of Haiti. The common aim